So there, you can get Bigger Than Jebus online at iTunes for five bucks. It's also on Amazon MP3. Check it out.
I gotta say, I'm very, very, VERY proud of this album, even though I wrote the music to just ONE song. It was a LOT of work and I'm shamed that it took so long but it was totally worth it. These songs by Monty & Kodos are AMAZING and the mix ended up being fantastic. We seriously were considering throwing demos up on iTunes or giving them away for free as rough mixes and being done with it, but the end result was, again, worth the wait. So if you've been a fan of the Hired Goons, please check it out and buy a copy. Thanks.
SCOTT JANUS: MONSTER HUNTER just wrapped up. If you came by and saw it, thanks. It's a strange feeling to be over because...just because, I guess. It was a great show with a great cast but I don't have any elation over it. This isn't a blog where I talk about my feelings though so I'm just going to move on. I will say that we all had a lot of fun and that I learned a lot from the writing view. I'm also not the kind of person that's just going to hand something over to someone else and just sit back. This was both good and bad. The last thing I ever want to do is let anyone down and unfortunately I can be quite a jerk trying to defend something.
Another script project has been requested so I'll be working on that. An outline has been done and it looks good and so now I just have to write the darn thing. It's called THE VOICE and we'll see where and how it ends up.
I've typed too much. I will be back at the drawing table soon, so nyah.