Monday, July 16, 2012

Everyone Loves Gears #14

Been a little while. I recorded the audio for this months ago. Didn't have the time to work on it and little motivation and then figured I better finish it before I lose all interest. Ended up having more actual "stop motion" moments than I planned! Anyway, waiting so long resulted in my losing interest in having a storyline that kicks off with this episode. But I can still have things happened and semi-"resolved." A continuation.

Amusingly, there have been a lot of requests from friends in my tiny acting world to do a voice on the show. And I'd like to expand the show so that it'd be...something else entirely. Likable characters, actual plot, that sort of thing.

But, you make plans and then God farts all over you. Or, maybe you have other things to do.

I have little else to say at the moment so I'll sign off.

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