I went back and beat Ratchet & Clank (2): Going Commando. I stopped chasing the ultimate weapon at the end of the rainbow, bought some of the lesser weapons I had avoided, and went to what was the last level that I couldn't fathom getting through, and JUST AVOIDED COMBAT with most of the henchmen. I had to fight a few of them (clearing certain rooms to operate puzzle games) and got to the big boss. And it was easier than fighting legion of respawning and really tough henchrobots. So, whee, I beat the game, even though I stated it was too frustrating to finish. It IS pretty fun, an improvement over the first Ratchet & Clank, but Up Your Arsenal is still miles ahead of Going Commando. But I beat the game, so neener neener.
Here's the latest strip. Apologies to anyone who takes this source literally, but this is something that ALWAYS bugged me. Teachers in catholic school never got around to saying what happened to Cain after he killed Abel. There's Adam & Eve, and they have Cain & Abel. Cain kills Abel. Then...where do the rest of our lineage come from if Adam & Eve are the first humans, and they have one son? Trying to make sense of it on Wikipedia. No, don't tell me, because you know what I think of this already.
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