Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The following is the script, 4th draft, to CITIZEN COBRA. This is the first scene. There are notes at the end, including any major changes I had made from the first two drafts, which featured drastically different scenes. Stage Directions and other scene set ups are in italics. I have highlighted anything I took out from the fourth draft for the blog due to any copyrights I might have to worry about, though remember: this is based on the cartoon. I apologize for typos and homonyms. First scene below the jump:

I'll start with the character list for this scene:
ZARTAN - Cobra's master of disguise, spy
DUKE - leader of the GI Joe squad
SCARLETT - GI Joe intelligence, Duke's girlfriend
LADY JAYE - covert intelligence
ROAD BLOCK - machine gun expert
SNOW JOB - GI Joe arctic trooper
SHIPWRECK - GI Joe Navy member
SNAKE EYES - JOE awesome at everything member, except speaking
MICHELLE MALKIN - NBC news reporter

Scene 1
Lights up. It’s a sparse set with an American flag corner stage right, a lamp (with removable lampshade) on upstage left. This is GI Joe HQ. The GI Joe Theme plays. It’s the cartoon movie theme, the one that starts off with “cooobra.” But instead it’s a karaoke version if we can make one. ZARTAN enters. He’s carrying a sombrero, and after looking around, by the time he reaches center stage, he speaks into his wristwatch.

Zartan here. I’m in position to infiltrate…G.I. Joe. “Operation: Infiltrate G.I. Joe” begins now!

(off stage) Yo joe!

Here they come now!

Zartan covers himself with the lampshade and stands next to the lamp. DUKE, SCARLETT, LADY JAYE, SNOW JOB, SHIPWRECK, ROADBLOCK, and SNAKE EYES all run in. Anyway, that opening part will give the Joes some time to run around the stage in a circle, and then fake fight and hi-five each other before they sing…

DUKE/SNOWJOB/SCARLET/LADY JAYE/SHIPWRECK/ROADBLOCK/SNAKE EYES enter while singing (except Snake eyes) to the intro theme song from the animated GI Joe movie. The men will sing "GI Joeee" and then the ladies "a real american hero" and then the characters alternate lines from the song.

the next verse is another pro-Cobra, at least from the movie version. It’s approximately 38 seconds, so hopefully that’s enough time as everyone lines up with Duke downstage left, followed Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Snow-Job, Roadblock, Shipwreck, Snake Eyes. Zartan removes his lampshade and puts on a sombrero.

Joes, sound off!

Right on, Duke! I’m Lady Jaye, Covert Operations!

I’m Scarlett! Counter-intelligence.

Snow-Job! (everyone laughs) What? What’s so funny? I’m the arctic trooper. Stop laughing at my name.

Roadblock is my nom de plume, and I’m capable of machine gunnin’ everyone in this room!

I’m Shipwreck, official military grade ladies-man…and seaman. Ladies.
And next to me is Snake Eyes, and…uh, I don’t know this other guy.


Obviously new. We have lots of Joes comin’ and going, usually
at the beginning of every new adventure. How’s it going, new Guy?

The cast moves around the stage some more, with Zartan getting lost among them all, not sure what to do. They resume singing.

More singing of the theme song.

Shipwreck, Lady Jaye, Scarlett, Snowjob & Snake Eyes line up downstage. The remaining cast upstage.

GI Joe is codename for America’s daring, highly trained special mission force.

Its purpose?

To defend human freedom from COBRA!

A ruthless terrorist organization.

(doesn’t say anything, just takes center stage and mimes that he’s finishing the last line.)

The entire cast resumes the chorus, all engaged in choreography again, with Zartan still confused.

EVERYONE (except Zartan)

The music ends, and the Joes:

EVERYONE (except Zartan)
Yo Joe!

The Joes are lined up, on one knee, smiling at the audience as if they just finished closing night on a broadway musical.


Good job, everyone. At ease.

Everyone but Duke relaxes and hi-fives and then gives him their full attention again. Duke pulls out a folder and holds it up.

Okay Joes, got some word for our status in the war against evil!

Is it the Pyramid of Darkness?

The Weather Dominator?

I don’t suppose you all plan on taking simultaneous vacations,
perhaps to a suspicious new amusement park that may or may not be filled with booby traps?

(laughs) Oh, New Guy. (sighs) All the adventures and camaraderie we’ve had together.
(playfully punches Zartan on the arm) Anyway, no.  Joes, we’re being…disbanded.

Honey… we’re being let go? The military is firing…us?

Where will we go…when there’s no more Joe?

Oh, can you just drop the rhyming bullshit? Seriously, this is not the time!

Hey back off, Lady Jaye! You have no control over what I say!

This is what I mean, everyone! I can’t even have a normal conversation with this guy!

Can you guys stop fighting? Always with the fighting!

Everyone, can it!  This is serious! Duke, what’s going on?

Well, I’m sorry gang, but the General Accounting Office put their foot down
on the Department of Defense and told them to cut the waste.

But…Duke? Sweetie? Are you saying that…we’re the waste?

The “president,” a man whose birth certificate I’D like to see up close, wasn’t too impressed that,
after 20 years, we still haven’t been able to get Cobra.

Curse their handsome hides!

He gets Bin Laden, while Cobra is still plottin’.

Truer words couldn’t be spoken, Roadblock. I guess our efforts over the years didn’t get them
the results a couple dozen SEALS did on their own.

Ugh, Seal Team Six? Those guys don’t even have cool outfits like we do!

I know, Shipwreck. Anyway. Clean out your lockers.

What? No more GI Joe?

Duke walks over to Zartan and puts his arm around him.

It seems so, New Guy. Just try to think of all the great adventures you and I had together over the years.
If anyone wants to talk, I’ll be in my office, packing up my things. I know this is upsetting.
If you want to stick around, they’ve got some re-assignment orders. But it’s embassy guard duty…

EVERYONE BUT ZARTAN & DUKE groans and filters out stage left. Duke pats Zartan on the back and shakes his head, and on his way out, salutes the flag.

The Joes? Decommissioned? Is it true? This is fantastic news! Or…is it!

Lights out. A Video starts! Projected!

You’re watching NBC, your source of biased news. Here’s your reluctant host, Michelle Malkin.

Good evening. I’m standing here in front of St. Edwardo Grade School in Suburbia, America,
where 3rd grader Susie Thomkins died after ingesting various pills her parents had left out.
Usually, in events like this, a member of a special military force would be on hand to prevent curious
children from ingesting medication not prescribed to them. But this is just the latest in a string of many
accidental deaths that could have been prevented by members of the military patrolling these streets
and imparting safety tips to at-risk pre-teens in neighborhoods like this all across the country.
I’m Michelle Malkin for NBC liberal news.

Video out.


This is mostly intact from the original draft, except there was more singing. I write a LOT of dialogue, and a good chunk of this script, in small font, were the lyrics, with each line of the song sung by a separate cast member.

I took out FLINT. There's a lot of characters on the stage. He was to show up in a later scene, but during the live reading I realized that there's a whopping SIX women in the GI Joe world (with action figures), and only four from this show in the script. So I cut down some of the dialogue by getting rid of him, and give Lady Jaye more to do later on.

I added Michelle Malkin as a newscaster. My friend Chris Basil came up with the idea of having a newscast regarding kids killed in freak accidents at home because no one was around to warn them about Half The Battle. What I wrote from Malkin's end? Too wordy, and was going to cut it down.

But having the video (projected, which the theater did many times) there would give the cast a chance to change clothes. If you can't tell, GI Joe is now no longer an entity, and most of the characters won't appear again. Since there's a lot of characters, we risk having a large cast, and so as to not have such a large cast, many will have to have multiple roles. If the video of Michelle Malkin standing in front of a suburban grade school is long enough, that should give most of the cast time to switch to their Cobra costumes and set up the minimalist set for scene 2.

A marine, Andrew Sichling, informed me of some of the proper jargon and the chain of command and procedure. Much of this, incorporated, was removed for space. Sorry Andrew, but thank you.

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